Kamilari (1,5km)
a small central square, a church and traditional cafés, with their own color and personality, frequently attended by locals and visitors. You can also find taverns with traditional Cretan food, a market and shops with local products and souvenirs.
Kalamaki (800m)
Every year the volunteers of ARCHELON network, coop up the sea turtle’s nests, so that the eggs incubated in the sand are safe from the sun. Please note that the first turtles of 2014 were born on the Kalamaki beach!
Minoan Palace Of Phaestos (4 Km)
which wasdeveloped in the Messara valley during pre-historic times, i.e. from 6.000 BC up to the 1st century AD, according to archaeological findings.
Commos (4 Km)
which stretches from Kalamaki nearly to Matala, is well known among the touists.You will also find the Caretta-Caretta nests on the Commos beach.
Matala (7 Km)
Today the flower children do not live any more in Matala, but they come here to see a legendary place and taste something from the charm of the past.